2nd bilateral conference took place in April 2017 in Warsaw. It aimed at presenting the most important conclusions and results of the project, the scope and outcomes of bilateral cooperation established between selected Polish and Norwegian municipalities and the micro-projects implemented by Polish municipalities in cooperation with Norwegian partners. Te conference was addressed to the representatives of local self-governments, their partner institutions and other entities that could potentially benefit from the project results.

Framework agenda of the conference:

  • presentation of the project results and the content of the project's final publication;
  • presentation of the cooperation established between Norwegian and Polish municipalities and/or municipal entities;
  • presentation of 10 innovative sustainable energy projects implemented by Polish municipalities in cooperation with Norwegian partners and including:
    • examples of comprehensive energy strategies leading to energy saving, RES production and CO2 emission reduction;
    • examples of energy management systems implemented in municipal buildings (including EnMS following ISO 50001);
    • examples of energy consumption metering systems implemented in municipal buildings;
    • examples of integration of RES installations with municipal energy systems;
  • presentation of the zero-emission cities concept;
  • presentation of the new opportunities for financing investments in the area of energy efficiency and RES use.

Agenda of the 2nd bilateral conference

Report, presentations and gallery


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Project "Polish-Norwegian cooperation platform for climate and energy conservation" is funded under the PL04 Programme of the Bilateral Cooperation Fund, which is financed from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism (NMF) 2009-2014.